Silver prize for Lescure, PDO Charentes-Poitou Unsalted Mini-butters and butter Rolls !
This year, at the General Agricultural Competition, the silver medal in the Dairy Products category was won by the Lescure unsalted Mini-butters and the Rolls.
For 148 years, the General Agricultural Competition has rewarded the best products of the French terroir and encouraged producers involved in the search for excellence by supporting the economic development of their production chains. Its missions are to promote "French taste" to consumers through high quality products from French agriculture and livestock.
This medal testifies our expertise, which is expressed in an exceptional butter certified by the Charentes-Poitou PDO. It is a guarantee of quality that ensure the origin of the raw materials and the respect of a traditional fabrication process.
The unsalted Mini-butters 15g, fit into all tasting moments. They perfectly sublimate your brunchs, breakfasts, cheese, charcuterie or seafood platters. Their unique diamond shape evokes the nobleness of the PDO label and the authenticity of Lescure know-how.
As for the unsalted butter Rolls (available in 250g and 500g format), their excellent incorporation into the dough gives them great ease of use. They adapt to various uses for a valorization of artisanal know-how (sauce, cooking of meats, flavored butters, shortbread, brioche, galettes).