Recipe Lattice-cut pain au chocolat
To make this dish
Ingredient list
Croissant dough835 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
835 g strong flour (T45, approximately 14% protein)
30 g salt
200 g sugar
65 g fresh yeast
165 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
860 g milk
Cacao croissant dough198 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
198 g strong flour (T45, approximately 14% protein)
61 g cacao powder
8 g salt
55 g sugar
16 g fresh yeast
41 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
273 g milk
SQ water-soluble red colouring
Lattice-cut pain au chocolat finishing touches1000 g Unsalted 1kg butter Sheet 84% fat
550 g chocolate sticks
100 g maple syrup
The recipe, step by step
Croissant dough
Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk. Combine the two types of flour, salt, sugar, butter cut into pieces, and the yeast/milk mixture in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix on speed 1 for 5 minutes. Knead on speed 2 for 8 minutes. Form into a ball and let rise for 1 hour. Punch down, roll out into a rectangle and refrigerate overnight.
Cacao croissant dough
Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk. Combine the two types of flour, cocoa powder, red colouring, salt, sugar, the butter cut into pieces and the yeast/milk mixture in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix on speed 1 for 5 minutes. Knead on speed 2 for 8 minutes. Form into a ball and let rise for 1 hour. Punch down, roll out into a rectangle and refrigerate overnight.
Lattice-cut pain au chocolat finishing touches
Enclose the butter sheet in the dough and perform 2 double turns. Let rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Place the rolled-out cocoa dough on top of the croissant dough and roll out to a thickness of 2 mm.
Cut vertically into 30 x 6.5 cm rectangles (approximately 90 g). Score half of the surface of each rectangle with a 6-blade cutter (Mallard Ferrière SKU 01475), making 3 cm incisions in staggered rows.
Turn the rectangles over. Lightly moisten the edge, then roll up with 2 sticks of chocolate.
Keep in the freezer or let rise for approximately 2½ hours at 26°C. Let rest for 15 minutes at room temperature (20°C). Preheat the convection oven to 190°C, and bake at 170°C for approximately 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and brush the pains au chocolat with the maple syrup.
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