To make this dish
Ingredient list
Détrempe (1)105,8 g T45 flour
2,4 g salt
2,5 g egg white
51,5 g water
14,8 g caster sugar
2,2 g frozen dry yeast
10,6 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
58,8 g Unsalted 1kg butter Sheet 84% fat
Red détrempe27,1 g Détrempe (1)
1,4 g water
0;16 g Colorant liposoluble rouge
Détrempe (2)106,8 g T45 flour
2,5 g salt
2,4 g egg white
51 g water
15 g granulated sugar
2,2 g frozen dry yeast
10,7 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
59,3 g Unsalted 1kg butter Sheet 84% fat
Chantilly cream26,2 g Lescure UHT Cream 35% fat
2,4 g granulated sugar
55,8 g Pate de haricot rouge
0,8 g gelatine powder (200 Bloom)
4 g Eau d'hydratation
139,4 g LESCURE Crème 35% (2)
1,1 g Thé cerise
Azuki sponge cake46,4 g Pate de haricot rouge
15,5 g granulated sugar
45,4 g egg
1,4 g baking powder
13,4 g Farine T65
30,9 g Lescure Unsalted 250g butter Roll 82% fat
Strawberry jelly45 g Purée de fraise 90%
1,1 g citric acid
14,4 g Sirop de glucose DE40
14,4 g caster sugar
15,3 g trehalose
1,4 g Pectine LM
The recipe, step by step
Détrempe (1)
Knead all ingredients together except the butter (2) (that will be used for the turns) for 10 minutes on low speed then for another six minutes on speed 2. Shape into a ball and let rise 20 minutes. Punch down and roll out into a rectangle. Let rise for another 20 minutes, then place in the freezer at -40°C for 30 minutes to stop the rising process. Transfer to the refrigerator and leave for 30 minutes, then perform one double turn and one single turn.
Make an incision at each fold. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes then refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough into a 20 mm thick square and cut into 7 mm wide strips. Place on top of the détrempe rectangle (2). Give it its turns towards yourself. Use the refrigerator to keep the dough cold.
Roll out to a thickness of 3.5 mm and cut into strips that are 18 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. Roll up and shape inside the mould. Let rise for 1½ hours in the proofer at 27°C. Bake in a 180°C convection oven for 15 minutes.
Red détrempe
Combine to form a homogenous dough. Let rise as for the other détrempes. Roll out to the same shape as the dough (1) and cover.
Détrempe (2)
Knead all ingredients together except the butter (2) (that will be used for the turns) for 10 minutes on low speed then for another six minutes on speed 2. Shape into a ball and let rise 20 minutes, then punch down and roll out into a rectangle. Let rise for another 20 minutes, then place in the freezer at -40°C for 30 minutes to stop the rising process.
Transfer to the refrigerator and leave for 30 minutes, then perform one double turn and one single turn. Make an incision at each fold. Place in the freezer at -40°C for 30 minutes then refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough into a 10 mm thick square -
Chantilly cream
Let the tea infuse in the cold cream for 24 hours. Strain and separate the cream as indicated in the recipe. Heat the cream (1) to 50°C with the bean paste and sugar. Then add the gelatine mass. When it has melted, pour it into the cold cream (2) while forming an emulsion using a stick blender. Refrigerate at 4°C.
Azuki sponge cake
In a food processor, combine the bean paste, sugar and eggs together until smooth. Using the whisk attachment, beat the mixture to the ribbon. Using a rubber spatula, fold in the sifted together flour and baking powder. Take out a small portion and combine with the melted butter. Fold into the main mixture until well combined. Pour into the moulds. Bake in a 160°C convection oven for 12 minutes.
Strawberry jelly
Combine the dry ingredients. Dissolve the glucose in the purée and sprinkle in the dry ingredients. Bring to the boil and transfer to a plastic container. Store in the refrigerator at 4°C.
Before baking the twists, place the frozen sponge cake in the centre. When they are removed from the oven, brush the twists with syrup and let dry on a rack.
Pipe the strawberry jelly inside the twist and pipe out petals of Chantilly cream in the shape of a flower. Using a melon baller, remove the centre of the Chantilly cream and fill in with piped strawberry jelly.
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